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Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Bella's Photoshoot Part 1.


  1. Beautiful, beautiful, every shot! You have done some amazing work with your horses. Bragging rights granted tenfold!

    Only one little note here...I would so love to see you wearing a riding helmet. (Mom lecture over....)

  2. I really enjoyed looking at your photos. You have a wonderful relationship with Bella!!!
    I've just began Clicker training my 4.y.o I've had since March and I'm hoping we can eventually introduce the clicker to the saddle, so far he's learnt back-up and stand still. Next it's a bit of yielding to pressure.
    Anyway enough about me!! I really enjoy reading your blog(s)!!!
    Amy. x

  3. Helen, what amazing brilliant and fantastic work - that is an astounding spanish walk!! The mobilisation in the shoulder is incredible :-)

  4. Thank you very much everyone!!!!



About Me

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I am a clicker training addict and there is no cure - thank goodness!!!